Nicole Kidman will play in Lars von Trier again


The new provocative project of the scandalous director is a two-sector story of a woman who reveals itself and its erotic desires. The shooting will begin very soon, and the von Trier wants to decide on the performers of all roles (Charlotte Gensbar, Willem Defo and Stellan Skarsgard, are already taking part in the film. Including the director hopes to choose a role for Nicole Kidman.

The actress told in an interview that he would join the shooting "Nymphomank" just a couple of days. This is amazing, because Kidman and the von Trier before that together worked on the picture "Dogville", on the filming of which the actress repeatedly swore with the director, and they still have a rather strained relationship. Nevertheless, "Dogville" is a high achievement in the career of both. Therefore, the fact that they have established relations will benefit and actress, and the director.

Von Trier reported that two versions of the film are planned: the usual and more frank. The release of "nymphomanics" is appointed for 2013, and shooting will begin this summer.

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