Anna Pakuin, Alexander Skarsgard and other stars of "real blood" in Scifinow


This is what Anna Pakuin told about the next break Sookie and Bill:

"We really were not perfectly intact, and we were never happy for a long time. It is not interested in television, when everything works for a couple, then they have five children, and they live happily."

What does Suckoo expect this time?

"As we remember, she was left in a puddle of the blood, sobbing over the best friend's girlfriend. And she also had to finish off the washingal, it all appears to her. In addition, the ancient vampire-sociopath Russell Edjountton was released and will again try to conquer the world with the help of facing abilities. Suckoo, or just tries to finish it in the brand of Bill and Eric. And when it seems that you can't be worse, a new (Aya) villa (ka) will appear in Bontemps! "

Stephen Moier gladly remembered how in the 4th season Bill Compton stopped being only a grim beech, and he often became a funny guy at all:

"Employed in 5 episodes of the 4th season was a scene, where Pham due to a disfigured person comes in a huge hat with a veil and Bill says:" Excellent, the world needs beekeepers. "When you get such replicas, you are only happy."

In the coming season, the king of Bill will be forced to go to run or on the contrary, start the rebellion?

"By the end of the 4th season, the king Louisiana Bill Comton unexpectedly appeared an ally in the face of an ancient vampire Eric Nortman. And Erica is already accurately for a thousand years have accumulated a lot of necessary connections. All of them are distinguished because of the Sookie in the past, in the 5th season They have a lot of work together. Yes, the league of the vampires carried both a death sentence, yes, they quickly dealt with Nen Flanigan, who had suggested to join the rebellion against the league! And then the escape of Russell Edjounton, who was still in 3 seasons to take revenge on Bill and Eric! And this is not whatever what is expected by the Truck Fan! "

Alex Scarsgard gladly indulged in memories of the show as a whole: "It is childish, but I had fun to fly, I liked it. I would like to do it again. And Flashbeks were funny. I mean that there are so many amazing moments On the show. I also liked the filming of the material in Swedish. Flashbeks about Vikings were simply great. "

Is there any hope for the reunion of Sunic and Eric?

Skarsgard: "Feelings to Sooki remained at both, and Erica, and at Bill. And at least Sucky sewed them both at the end of the 4th season, the scripts were made to understand that the point was not delivered, but only a dot. In the coming season, Erika with Bill A lot of problems have to be solved: And if earlier they both were ready to kill each other because of Sunic, now they will soon become, if they have not yet learned to be friends, partners in misfortune! The problems have both above the roof! ".

Joe Mangannelo compared 5 books with the 5th season in favor of the show: "Charlen Harris in the" Vampire Secrets "(according to these books, the series" Real Blood ", approx. Red.) Olux as usually paid much less attention than the rest. Thank God , Allan Bol believes in my character and prescribes it new and new storylines. Unlike the fifth book in the fifth season, Orsda will bring to a completely new territory. "

Is this a hint of relations between Oluxid and Sookie?

"I can only say that OLCID will play an important role in the upcoming season. And many new things will appear in the show. In general, it is planned to pay more time in the 5th season."

Deborah Ann Wall, playing in the TV series King Bill, shared a personal story about how her grandmother looked "real blood":

"My mother tried to show the grandmother of the episode scene, where Khoyut and I lose your virginity with each other. I still thought: Well, what do I watch it with my grandmother?! You know what I told Granny:" Don't worry, someday you will play The role I will look with pride. "

Will the Roman Jason Stackhouse, and whether this is the end of Hayt's friendship with Jason?

"I know that Jessica is waiting for a hobby in the person of the new Hero of the show, who is sexier to be sexy to be taken together. And all because he ... You yourself will ever know!".

SCIFINOW magazine reports that the summer launch of the new season of the series "Real Blood" is one of the most anticipated TV starts of 2012. Exit 1 episode 5 seasons "Wrap! Wrap! Wrap!" scheduled for June 24, 2012

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