Alec Baldwin on David Letterman


The presenter immediately expressed his support for Baldwin due to the recent scandal with the paparazzi, which Baldwin, as written in the press, struck. "Previously, the studio was protected by their actors from scandalous stories," says Alec. "They paid huge money to prevent the stories in the press that someone had an intrigue, or someone got pregnant, or someone gay, or who "It's an alcoholic ... And now the studios say:" Why don't we earn on these scandards? "Baldwin offered his version of recent events. Alec with the bride had just left the building. And then the paparazzi begins to practically poke the camera in the face of the actor." This guy has already done it before. They come to you with the camera very close. Just want you to react. No one beat him. If I hit him, I would be in prison. And he could then apply for a photographer for his actions, and we would sit in prison together. You would not like to know what we were doing there, "Alek joked. Well, every story has two sides.

And at the very beginning of the issue, Alec decided to remember about the heading in the show David Letterman called "10 signs that you are not ready for the swimming season." He told that he had so much that pants fell off from it. I pulled a little behind my pockets ... and the pants really fell. Moreover, Alec checked and the lead to undress.

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