Michael Fassbender in the InterView magazine. February 2012.


In an interview with the magazine, a 34-year-old actor spoke about the filming in the film "Shame" and about many other things.

About his most difficult role : "Probably, this is" shame ". When shooting began, I already starred in four or five films in a row, so I felt tired from the very beginning. During preparation for 5-week filming, I plunged into the world as far as I could. While working on the film, I was very carefully concentrated. I visited some unusual places. So, yes, I can say that the role in "shame" has become the deepest and tough. "

About sexual scenes in "Shame": "What good in all these sexual scenes is that they show the path of my hero. You see how this guy deeply lowered. "

About traveling in Europe : "I just went to travel around Europe for two months on a motorcycle. The phone has kept off the larger time. My father and I drove 5,000 miles. Were in Holland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Italy ... And then I traveled in Spain and France. You would like this trip. "

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