Interview: Chris Columbus about "Percy Jackson"


What attracted the books of Rick Riordan about Percy Jackson?

Chris Columbus: We have never seen the world of Greek myths to be presented in such a world. It seems to me that Riordan found a unique starting point, comparing the world of antique Greece and the problems of modern America. By combining the feeling of reality with the tradition of the epic, this story shows a gloomy, supernatural battle between good and evil.

You shot two films about Harry Potter, in which our real world also coexists next to the magical. What is the story about Percy Jackson so interesting?

QK: This story clings me as director. It has a whole huge world of Greek legends, inhabited by mythical creatures, in the process of which is limitless. In the center of the plot - a teenager who wants to save his mother and find out who his father, why the picture is also filled with emotions.

How did you search for the actor to the role of the main character - Percy of Jackson himself?

QK: My assistant, with whom I work for quite a long time, a couple of years ago told me that if I ever look for a young actor for a role in one of my films, I need to see the picture "Train to Yumu" with this guy, Logan Lerman. I watched. He is an amazing actor. When the casting time came for Persix Jackson, I remembered Logan, met him, I immediately liked it. It has everything you need to be a future movie star. Then Logan passed the film processing and struck me finally. He has an incredible flair. I am absolutely sure that Logan can become new Leonardo Dicaprio.

The hero of Percy Jackson in the film there is also a charming friend, Annabeth Half-harness?

QK: FilmProbes for the role Annabeth passed a huge number of girls, but when I saw the video techniques [Alexandra Daddario], made in New York, she attracted my attention. Then we made a film processing, and I have never seen before that someone's eyes watched on you from the screen as it. Her view fascinates. I also realized that she was surprisingly harmoniously fits into Logan and Brandon [Jackson]. "

Fucking in this film is the eye of the mind Tourman, who plays Medusa Gorgon. Why for this role the choice fell on it?

KK: I thought that the messenger performed by the mind would just endure. She is one of the most beautiful women in the world, which, at the same time, can make you feel genuine fear. For jellyfish, it was necessary for me that this combination: the actress, which has such a hypnotic ability that could make you not breaking to look into her eyes. Perse Jackson and Lightning Thief is filled with unique unearthly creatures and stunning special effects.

How difficult it was to transfer the magic of this magic world from the pages of the book on the big screen?

QK: The main task was not to overload the film with computer effects, but to use them for its improvement. In modern computer effects, it is great that they can be very realistic and provide the ability to show people something completely unimaginable. I have not yet seen the world of the ancient Greek myths moved to the screen as we did. I love this world, he fascinates.

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