Kristen Stewart in the magazine Vanity Fair. July 2012.


About her photos : I am often criticized for the fact that I do not look perfectly in the photo. Mud ears poured on me. I do not hesitate that. I am proud of this. If I all the time looked perfect, people who are with me in the same room or on a red carpet, thought that I actress! What am I feeling! This thought is so embarrassing me that I am terribly getting at half photos. It is important for me that people leaving the room said: "She's cool. She spent a good time. She does not play. " I do not care the opinion of insatiable, hungry to all people who turn the truth in shit.

About your style: Look at my photo, where I am up to 15 years old. I'm a boy. I wore brother's clothes! Not that I care about it, but I remember that I needed to laugh, because I did not wear jeans from Juicy. I did not even think about it. I wore clothes for the gym. I was so not worried that I had fun. I'm silent. I remember the girl in the sixth grade, when she looked at me in the gym, it was read in her glage: "My God! It is disgusting, she does not shave his feet! "

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