"Again in some shorts": Wife Stanislav Bondarenko criticized for a photo session in the underwear


A spouse of the 35-year-old Stanislav Bondarenko criticized for the desire to bargain. Aurika Alekhina often lays out candid pictures in his Instagram account, demonstrating ideal forms. The flawless figure of the girl managed to keep even after the birth of two daughters.

In the photo she showed the rolled press and long legs. In the frame, the model sits in black underwear and a transparent skirt, which practically does not hide her body. Despite the seeming frivolity of the frame, in the signature of Aurika shared the reasoning on a rather serious topic, saying on the use of other people's words.

"I did not plan to attribute authorship myself, just at that time the author was unknown to me. It is a pity, of course, to see so much anger in the subscribers's reaction to my actions. Be kindness, "Alekhina frank himself in a personal microblog.

Some commentators still ignored the appeal of the wife of Bondarenko and allowed themselves rudeness. "Again in some shorts," they wrote.

There were among the fans of the girl and those whom the new candid photo pleased.

"I adore this photo session," the fans have left compliments.

"Gorgeous!" - Others added.

"A wonderful girl, a wonderful mother and wife," Follovier shared their views.

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