Showranner "Supernatural" promises "Oldskal" final series


Until the final of the "supernatural" remained exactly a week, and the farewell will certainly give fans not easy. But to brighten the bitterness of separation with brothers Winchesters will help the final "oldskal" episode - this is how it described the producer of show Andrew Dubab.

Previously, it was already reported that the last hour fans will hold exclusively with Sam (Jared Padaleki) and Din (Jensen EKLS), which means that the main storyline of the series will end in the penultimate series, which was called to "inherit the Earth". Dubb also added that even though the final episode is technically and not divided into two parts, the scenarios, when writing it, gave themselves will, pressing much more than it could be imagined.

"The final is largely focused on myths. The final is a little more in the spirit of the old school, "the producer emphasized.

After the death of Castiel (Misha Collins), the feeling of the close end became particularly strong, and the time of the last fight with Chuck (Rob Benedict) is about to come. The synopsis of the nearest episode states that now "everything is on the horse", and it is also mentioned that a certain "familiar person" will join the battle. And Din will acquire a fluffy friend.

By the way, before, speaking of the final, Dubb noted that at least all the fans of the show and it is impossible to please, most of them will certainly remain pretty. Showranner admitted:

"When we were going to shoot the last episodes, I once again reread the script and introduced the last edits. Jared, Jensen and Bob Singer all weighed. We just wanted to make sure that they were doing everything right. "

Recall, the 15-year history of the "Supernatural" will be completed on November 19.

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