Video: Pregnant Tina Kunaki in a provocative clip on the song Too Hot


Teaser to the future clip was back in May at the Instagram account Vensen Kassel, who in Hestegas mentioned the Cannes Film Festival, where Tina Kunaki first published after the birth of the Amazoni daughter.

Video: Pregnant Tina Kunaki in a provocative clip on the song Too Hot 115826_1

Video: Pregnant Tina Kunaki in a provocative clip on the song Too Hot 115826_2

Evaluating only a small passage, users were divided into view against the video, but now the PINK Noise group presented a full four-minute psychedelic clip.

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The main roles in it were performed by Tina Kunaki, the Plus-Size model Molly Consthebl and actor Paolo Potassium. The director was made by the director of the film "Pagon for Dogs" and the series "Guiana" Kim Chapiron. Like the composition of the TOO HOT, the musical video on it is distinguished by hallucinogenic images of people surrounding objects and toads. Despite the participation in the filming of Kunaki, while the video published by the group yesterday, scored only 24 thousand views. For Pink Noise, this is the first composition, and now the team is in the process of creating the first musical album.

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