"Illusion of cheating 2" and three more films that you should watch this week


"The illusion of cheating 2". "Four riders", team of the best illusionists of the world, again assembled! Their "magic" has become even perfect, and the enemies are more dangerous. This time they will save their reputation and bring into clean water of cruel technologies.

"Big Splash." Marianna Lane's rock star and her boyfriend enjoy the holiday in southern Italy. The island idyll of the couple violates the visit of Harry, the former lover Marianna, and his adult daughter Penelope. A frivolous game, an innocent flirt, a real passion and all-consuming jealousy will turn to the heroes of mortal danger.

"Pure Art." The heroine of this story is a young and beautiful girl Sasha whose happy life collapses on one day when she finds her groom killed, and immediately turns out to be involved in someone else's criminal scope. It seems to be against Sasha, the whole world is hunting and want to kill, the police are looking for her as the main suspect, friends turn away from it. And most importantly - she does not understand at all why it all happens to her. But Sasha is not ready to give up. Moves the desire to unravel the mystery around the murder of his beloved, she begins to investigate ...

"Good guys". What happens when a subtitle burdock becomes partner of the brutal fire? Jackson Healy's hired guard and private Detective Holland March are forced to work in a pair to unravel the pulent business about the missing girl, which turns around the crime of the century. Will guys will be able to solve a complex rebus if each of them is their own, very individual, methods ...

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