Texas Ranger Jared Padaleki in the new trailer of the Walker series


The premiere of "Walker" on The CW is getting closer, and on the eve of the TV channel introduced a new trailer of the show with Jared Padaleki in the lead role. First of all, it was noticeable that at least 15 years of "supernatural" Ding Winchester (Jensen Ecls) was not too often Sam (Padaleks) behind the wheel "Imphala", the skills of extreme driving, he had time to purchase.

In a 30-second video, Cordell Walker is not only sniffing on a police car, but also manages to demonstrate horse riding skills and hand-to-hand combat, manifest itself with a great fighter with crime and a caring father (though, in the past). In short, these half a minute for actor fans will be saturated.

The trailer begins with the fact that the Character of Padalekaya receives warning from Captain Larry James (Koby Bell) for its treacherous behavior. But the Walker does not lose face and Boyko says to the partner of Mika Ramirez (Lindsay Morgan): "You see, this is his company way to call me an idiot."

Also, the video shows difficulties in relations between the Walker and children. At some point, his life offended the daughter, which the Violet Brinson ("Acute Items" played), and sarcastically declares: "He came, he appeared to save." In addition, there is a hero, Emily in the trailer and the deceased wife, - the real spouse of Padaleks, Genevieve plays her. This scene demonstrates how happy the family was before, and helps to understand the bitterness of the loss, which Cordell is experiencing every day.

The "Walker" show will reboot the classic series with Chuck Norris, which went on screens from 1993 to 2001. Premiere episode of the audience will be seen January 21.

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