Anthony Maki did not have to go through samples to get the role of falcon in the film marvel


On the eve of the output of the series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers", Kevin Faigi gave an interview with Variety magazine. The head of Marvel Studios shared his thoughts about the further development of Sokol and told about the fact that Anthony Maki received this role. According to Faiga, the actor was the first to choose the studio to embody this image.

"He was the first contender for this role. We just offered him to realize this image, and if I am not mistaken, he did not listen. In MARVEL, this happened only a few times. Mr. Maki was one of such cases. I thought he would be great as this character. Most often, when we select actors, we have one at the appearance of a new hero, which was, for example, Sam Wilson in the "First Avenger: Another War." If everything goes well, then it can turn into many other stories. For such tasks, you need an actor who in the future could cope with this, and Anthony, of course, maybe, "the files told.

Following this, the producer told what to wait for the coming series:

"We wanted to allow the viewer to learn more about Sam Wilson and Baks Barnes [Sebastian Stan]. You have already managed to get acquainted with part of the prehistory of the winter soldier over the years and understand those horrors through which he passed. And where did Sam Wilson come from and what is his prehistory? What does this mean, especially in the world after clicking, and what is he going to do with this shield? I think that there are many expectations and assumptions about the process of transferring the legendary title to another hero. It's simple? Spoiler: No. "

The premiere of "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" will take place on March 19 on the Disney + Stimination Service.

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