"On this photo I am 13-14 years old": Natalia Vodyanova showed how to popularity looked


Natalia Vododanov can safely be called a real modern Cinderella, which has achieved success in life due not only to luck, but also his own work.

And the road to the tops of the world-famous model began from the market, where she had already worked as a mother at 11 years old. Then the guy of Natalia brought her to the model agency of her hometown of Nizhny Novgorod, and soon the future star was invited to the capital, where she was selected for work in France. Natalia went to Paris, where Jean-Paul Gauthier noted her, and proposals from famous agencies were sprinkled in Vodyanov.

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It appeared in her life and the prince - or rather, the son of a viscont, a free artist, a famous collector of the objects of painting Justin Portman.

And today Natalia Vodyanova is known to society as a supermodel, actress, philanthropist, the founder of the Nude Heart Charitable Foundation, a large mother and a happy wife.

The other day she published its own children's photo on the net. From the height of this age, she accompanied his moral post for her daughter Neva, whose shot also placed in a personal blog, and in general for all adolescent girls.

"In this photo I am 13-14 years old, I still don't know what will happen to me, how my life will be. But if I could give myself then the advice, or now - my daughter and her longitudes, he would be like this: Be to myself good and patient, learn to love yourself most of all in the world and treat myself with attention and softness, "- Marks star in his message.

Natalia stressed that it is not worth prove anything to anyone, do not listen if someone says that it is impossible or difficult to do some reason, to commit one or another. She advised young girls just to do what they consider fit, try their hand in the sphere that they are interested in, and constantly study the world around them.

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