I launched yourself: Gwyneth Paltrow admitted that she was silent on quarantine


In his blog on the GOOP website, Gwyneth Paltrow told how during Quarantine removed all bans in nutrition and what it led to.

The actress admitted that last year she scored more than 6 kilograms and for a long time "did not want to do anything." "It seemed to me that wine, pasta, cookies and cheese help me survive this time," said Gwyneth.

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Earlier in the subcast with Dr. Will, Cowal Paltrow also told that during a pandemic he moved away from his plan and all the time "ate pasta and saw alcohol." To date, Gwynenet has already got rid of the majority of recruited Kila, however, according to the actress, this time it was harder than usual. 48-year-old Gwyneth chosen it for age and transferred at the beginning of the year coronavirus.

"Previously, if I gained weight and I wanted to lose weight, I just moved to a healthy meal, worked hard, and in a few days everything went. And last year it did not work. I noticed that over the past couple of years I have slowed down the metabolism. I know this is due to the approaching menopause. With age, the speed of metabolism in women slows down by 30 percent. And partly this may be due to the fact that at the beginning of the pandemic I got sideways, "Paltrow shared.

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