Without residue: Timati did not take a family vacation


Rapper Timati and the Anastasia Rytov model decided to rest separately from each other. Black Star with Daughter Alice left for rest, but did not join the beloved in the Saint-Tropez.

Timati showed a touching point of rest along with her daughter in his Instagram-Account. He published a photo with a sea walk. In the frame of Timati and Alice stand at the boards of the yacht, looking at the water.

Without residue: Timati did not take a family vacation 116752_1

Star Couple Fans began to beat the alarm and fell asleep with residue, whether everything is in order in their family. Anastasia confirmed that they were resting with the beloved this year separately, and did not find anything strange in this.

"We have a separate rest this time. Dad to rest for a while, and we are the opposite. It is so useful to do sometimes, "Rutov said in response to one of the subscribers. She did not comment on rumors about the separation between her and Timati.

Anastasia and 9-month Ratmir Guest at Father Rapper, Businessman Ildar Yunusov. They flew to the Saint-Tropez on a private jet and plan to stay in the sea longer. Previously, the model stated that he was very waiting for a vacation to sleep, and the fans decided that she intended to give the sink to his husband's relatives and leave. But Rutov is spent vacation with the child.

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