Star of "American Cake" Tara Reed Rada that the roles of women are older


"I have a lot of new projects. One is very large with Sandra Bullock, another movie Netflix - The Fifth Boro. I finally began to play older roles, this is what I needed, because in recent years I "idle". I was too young to play moms, and too old to depict high school students, "the actress confesses.

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"Everyone saw a girl from the" American Cake "in me, but then I was 20, and now it is 40. I am grateful for the past, but now I have a chance to show myself on the other side. My time comes again, and no one takes it, "she adds.

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We add that Tara Reed early learned the taste of glory, which the Wick from the youth franchise "American Pie" brought her. But after the end of the shooting, the actress had to descend from Olympus and survive a heavy depression, enduring treatment in a narcological clinic in 2008. It seems that the fate of the actress is something similar to Lindsay Lohan, but Reed does not like when it is compared with the scandalous star. "I had never had problems with alcohol during the shooting. When you do not work - please, you have fun and tear off. But when bound by obligations, I am not distracted for anything, "she said.

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