Victoria Beckham celebrates his birthday riding a horse


It turns out that recently Beckham was very fascinated by equestrian sports. "For the first time, Victoria rolled up a couple of years ago, and she really liked," the insider told. - But over the past few months, it has significantly succeeded in this business and moved to a new step. Of course, she cannot hold a horse in the backyard of his London home, but, coming to Los Angeles every five or six weeks, she rides daily. And it's not just that this is an excellent exercise. Owing helmet, Victoria can stay unnoticed for a long time. On its 40th anniversary, she planned two events: one in Los Angeles, and another in London. For the first will be organized by the Werker in the mountains, where it rides horses with their girlfriends. The organization of American parties is engaged in her stylist Ken Paves and the best friend of Eva Longoria. Its part will be dinner at the Eva Beso restaurant with David and Victoria's Hollywood friends. She will also take place a solemn family dinner in London. Her mother helps with the organization. "

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