Ed Hector about plans for Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and "Dawn"


- In a recent interview, you stated that Kristen Stewart is not in your taste.

ED Horse: I do not know why everyone is crazy because of this! I would like to clarify everything. I believe that she is a very good girl, beautiful outwardly and talented inside, and I will not be a mind, what happened at all and why did you suddenly excite because I like another female type?! Clear it all, please!

- May be invited to "Gossip".

ED Horse: She will not agree.

- "Gossip" - just super! We all like everyone.

Ed Hector: Now if I had fangs, like a vampire. This is truly super!

- Maybe you should play the role of the vampire?

"I all say that we are something like Robert Pattinson." I agree in principle. I and Rob Pattinson should play brothers. It would be great.

- Maybe in "Dawn"?

Is this the name of the next part? I will try to negotiate. Let's do that. I am not a bookle, and if Edward Cullen Brother, I do not know, but it would be really possible to light up in a tiny episode in the twilight saga. Not every actor is lucky in his career to snatch a piece of cake from the project in demand by everything and everything. All the names of the characters and actors on hearing, they watched these filmms or not even touched books! I do not believe anyone who declares that the SS is not his format. It is necessary to be a fool to reject the gold bull for the sake of an air unicorn.

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