"Hot Mommy!": 38-year-old Irina Dubtsova showed a slimming figure in a swimsuit


The singer Irina Dubtsova continues to brag around the Mediterranean. It does not get tired of demonstrating a thin waist and lush forms on all new photos.

38-year-old performer Hita "Who, why?" She showed fans a new frame from a sun hotel, where she stopped with a 14-year-old son and girlfriends. On the picture Irina posing near the pool with blue water against the background of brown vegetation. On the artist, underlining tan. Snow-piece swimsuit with lacing ahead, straw hat in tone and sunglasses. The singer left her hair away, but they do not interfere with seeing lush molds.

The actress froze on tiptoe, lifting one hand up. She devoted this kind of dance to a luxurious five-star hotel in which he stopped. "I returned to my favorite hotel. He is number 1 in Belek, "Dubtsova wrote under the photo.

Subscribers, of course, were pleased that the star rests with comfort. But many admitted that they could not take a look from her figure. Fans left hundreds of admiring comments. "Loseaving beauty, I love!", "Wildly sexy", "hot mom!", "What are you cool, super", "The figure has become elegant, very much", "you have become even more beautiful and erotic," wrote Folloviers.

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