"We need to save the project": Sick Irina Pegov asked help from fans


42-year-old Irina Pegov complained to subscribers in Instagram, that her voice got. The actress lost the opportunity to speak and sing due to heavy daily rehearsals and a large burden on the bundles. Irina also admitted that she did not bother the throat in the cold. "Folded, I was standing, I was improved! Reached without scarf - I sat down! Sauce, wait from you urgently recipes for voice! It is necessary to "save" the project, in which I speaking as a lead, "asked help from the audience actress. Pegov admitted that it would be her debut as a lead and she simply could not bring people.

The actress reported that he had already acquired an inhaler, and as medical procedures breathe mineral water and hydrocortisone, as well as drinking Gogol-Mogol. Voice loss is a terrible sleep for any artist, because it is one of the main "workers" tools. Now the Russian movie star dreams of recovering as quickly as possible using any methods.

The fans regretted the idol and wrote her a bunch of recipes, including well-proven folk and homeopathic remedies, as well as proven medications. Among unusual means included warm beer with an egg, heated brandy with honey, hot milk with creamy oil and a banana, poured boiling water. However, the majority leaned towards the fact that Irina should urgently turn to the fondor officer.

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