Emilia Clark: Conditions for women on the shooting "Games of Thrones" were worse than for men


"The game of Thrones" ended in May 2019, but this is the famous show still remains in the information field. So, Emilia Clark, who performed in the series Daineris Targaryen, recently complained that the actors had more privileges on the shooting platform than actresses. In particular, men supplied more comfortable costumes - during the heat of artists who played the members of the Night Watch, used a special cooling system.

"The mini-pumps and generators were built into their fur coats, which pumped cold water in the tubes that served to cool from the inside," Clark told, emphasizing that women in such adaptations were denied. According to the actress, the only thing she allowed to do is raise the curls of her white wig. To at least somehow cope with the heat, Clark had to apply ice to the head in the packages.

It is noteworthy that Clark is not the first actress "Games of Thrones", which remained unhappy with the conditions during filming. In the past, Natalie Emmanuel made claims, which played in the series Missander, Advisor Deineris. The actress then stated that someone from the actors went to her address an obscene replica, but Clark alone became on her defense. At that time, Emmanuel and Clark were the only women on the site, so they tried to keep together.

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