In the 11th season of "Walking the Dead" can wait a new leap in time


Over the past couple of seasons, the creators of the "Walking Dead" series were very familiar with temporary jumps. At first it happened that the action of the ninth season began 18 months after the events shown in the finals of the eighth season. Then, when Rick Greims disappeared in the fifth episode of the same season, the plot unexpectedly jumped at once six years ahead. Since then, the chronology remains stable, but in the eleventh season of the audience can wait another large-scale temporary transition - the WE Got This Covered portal is divided by such information.

In the 11th season of

According to the source, along the next season, another jump will take place in the future. Although it is not more reliably known how long the period of time is missing, insiders report that it will be a "huge scale" event. Probably, such a turn goes back to the comics "The Walking Dead". Last summer, the author Robert Kirkman shocked fans, having completed the story by the release No. 193, in which the action was transferred to 25 years ahead: a civilized society was restored, and the zombies stopped being a threat.

As you know, the series is far from always faithful to the original source, so plot variations are possible in the "walking dead". However, to get to the events described in the comic cycle finals, television users need to be covered by about twenty issues. Any rumors are curious on this background that the 12th season of the walking dead will become the last.

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