Final of the 10th season of the "Walking Dead" may reach in July


On Friday, on Friday, June 12, California's authorities must declare the possibility of renewing filmmaking subject to certain safety rules. Variety edition reports that this does not mean the renewal of filming in the coming days, but it is worth expecting a gradual resumption of production processes during July and August. New security protocols must be still agreed and signed by representatives of the trade union of film actors, and it can go to six weeks.

Final of the 10th season of the

However, the director of the final episode of the tenth season of the "Walking Dead" Greg Nikotero, and the Showranner Angela Kang hoped that the long-awaited series of viewers would be able to see earlier. Kang says:

Usually, on the shooting of one series, we take two weeks. We worked on the final one and a half weeks when filmmaking in California was closed. You can remotely work on special effects. But we still need to reserve several scenes. And with sound we worked with the help of complex equipment in the studio Warner Brothers, you will not make such work from home and this equipment will not transfer to someone's home. When the world becomes safe again, we will learn to complete work on a small number of elements of the final series. I hope as soon as we will allow you to return to work, we can do it very quickly.

The ComicBook edition assumes that the show of the final episode can be timed to the Comic Con festival in San Diego, which will be held July 22-26. For security reasons, the organizers will hold an event in online format.

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