Keith Harington told about his beloved memories of filming "Games of Thrones"


"The game of Thrones" ended in May last year, but Keith Harington is still under the spells of the series, who brought him world glory. Last Sunday, the actor appeared on the red Golden Globe ceremony, being one of the nominees in the category "Best Actor in the Television Drama TV series" for the role of John Snow in the final season of the Games of the Thrones.

Keith Harington told about his beloved memories of filming

Keith Harington told about his beloved memories of filming

In a conversation with a reporter and leading Ryan Sikrest, Harington admitted that he still still thinks about the fate of his character. The actor also told what moment in connection with the shooting of the "Games of the Thrones" loved him most:

My favorite memory in connection with the role of John Snow? For me, one moment will remain forever when I first doused into my stage costume. Since then, every time I put on these clothes, I experienced an amazing feeling of mergers with my character. I liked to go back to the set, again to be with my hero. At the same time, the entire value of such moments opens exactly when they had already remained in the past. The series was on the air for about ten years, but it seems that this time passed so quickly.

This nomination for the Golden Globe has become for Harington first in his career. Moreover, he was the only representative of the "Game of Thrones", who claimed this award this year. Against this background, it is wondering that the last drawing of the TVPremia "Emmy" passed under the sign of the domination "Games of the Thrones": Hit HBO was marked by a record 32 nominations, 12 of which were victorious.

Keith Harington told about his beloved memories of filming

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