Named Top 10 best films 2018


The first line in the list was taken by the painting of Alfonso Quaront "Roma". The film, shot in black and white, tells about the life of the usual family from the middle class, which survives in Mexico on the 70s. Although Quaron took off "Roma" for Netflix, a streaming giant is going to arrange a limited rental for the film in cinemas - so that he can apply for Oscar 2019.

In the second place of the ranking of the top 10 films of 2018, according to Time, a documentary film about the actor Fred Rogers called "will be my neighbor?". The ribbon tells about the creator of a popular show for children "Our neighbor Mr. Rogers", which is considered one of the greatest representatives of American television.

The top three closes the film of the Shredder's Floor "The Shepherd Diary". The plot tells about the priest Toler (Ian Hawk), which is hardly experiencing the loss of his son and applied to the bottle. After communicating with an environmental activist, his life is changing, and it begins to be interested in the problems of environmental pollution.

Also in the top ten of the best films of 2018 fell:

4 - "Eighth Class" from Burnema

5 - "Favorite", historical drama with Emma Stone, Rachel Weiss and Olivia Kolman

6 - "Can you forgive me?" with Melissa McCarthy in the lead

7 - "Star Born" Bradley Cooper

8 - "If Bil Street could speak" from the Creator of Oscar "Lunar Light" Barry Jenkins

9 - "Bohemian Rhapsody", Baopeik about Freddie Mercury with Rami Malek

10 - "Paddington 2" from the floor King

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