"Never was so beautiful": Anna Sedokova decorated the cover of Playboy


The photo of the singer poses in a black bra and tights into a large grid, 36-year-old artist chose to do without underwear. To immediately answer all Heites, Sedokova wrote that candid pictures are not only beautiful, they also add confidence.

You can't be satisfied if you condemn the manifestation of sexuality and others

- she added.

Sedokova boasted that for the age of 13 for the third time he was honored to get to the cover of a popular magazine.

So beautiful I never felt

- assures a star. Anna emphasizes that femininity, like good wine, with age is revealed more and more. In addition, Sedokova calls on all girls to arrange candid photo shoots, in order to return confidence in their beauty at the moments of despondency and feel desirable.

Under the post, as usual, hot spores broke out - loyal fans did not bother on compliments, but the Haters compared Anna with the "squeezed chicken", "ham in a natural shell" and "tired horse".

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