Natasha Koroleva told how Tarzan reacted to her naked photo


Two months later, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, the Queen admitted how Sergey Glushko responded to his spouse on the frivolism of his wife.

Natasha Koroleva told how Tarzan reacted to her naked photo 118111_1

Many assumed that the stripper itself was applied Natasha to boast a figure with such a nontrivial way. However, the queen assures that it was its own initiative to expose his own initiative.

I did not understand something. In general, this is my prerogative - to issue such fints,

- stated the surprised spouse. To which the singer jokingly replied:

With whom we will do, from that and you will get.

The queen added that he sees no vulgarity in his nude photo. She just tried to convey to other women that at any age it was necessary to keep himself in shape. Natasha's herself clearly follows this advice: knowing about his tendency to completeness, the singer keeps himself in his hunters. She regularly engages in sports, and also completely excluded sweet and coffee from the diet.

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