On the scene of the death of Wolverine in Logan influenced the bad weather


After the film "X-Man: Beginning. Wolverine "with a crackle fell at the box office, James Mangold made a real feat, creating a tape that became a worthy completion of the story line Hugh Jackman.

Logan went to the screens just at the time when the lady of cash receipts was a filmmaker Marvel, and was still able to stand out and attract the attention of fans, and the final scene became a truly heartbreaking chord and asked a high bar for farewell to religious superhero.

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True, recently it turned out that the touching point, which Wolverine divided with his daughter Laura (Daphni Kin), turned out to be almost the will of the case, since because of bad weather, the director ribbons had to quickly decide on the finals of the character.

In an interview with Variety, Jackman told that he was not at all ready for an emotional moment when Logan dies, holding X-23 by hand.

I remember when we shot this scene, we shot at a very high altitude, and there were thunderstorms everywhere, so we had to stay,

- told the actor.

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Hugh remembered how then Mangyld told him that adding many tricks would not work, and therefore it would be just a scene of death. And at least these words sounded as a thunder among the clear sky, he trusted to the director.

He knew how for me it would be better,

- noticed Jackman. As a result, Daphni managed to remove the episode in just two doubles, but Mangold continued to shoot and told Hugh, which he just wants to "stop time" to allow the actor to survive the death of his religious character.

He allowed me to leave myself this moment. It was a luxury, which I will never forget,

- admitted Jackman.

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