Disney, Amazon and Netflix compete for a contract with the creators of the "Games of Thrones"


Disney, which also negotiates with scenarios, intends to offer them the production of films for the FX television network. Showranner "Games of Thrones" at the same time cooperate with the studio and in 2022 they must release a film according to the "star wars".

Insiders report that Benioff and Wayss want to conclude a contract for $ 200 million to surpass the authors of the "Wild West World" Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolana, who had previously issued a 150 million deal with Amazon.

If they sign the global contract with Disney, Amazon or Netflix, cinematographers for several years will be engaged in films or TV shows exclusively for one of these companies. Negotiations with them led Comcast, WarnerMedia and Apple. HBO, with which the scripts work, refused to fight.

Previously, the fans of the "Games of the Thrones" demanded to replace the final season of the series with other - competent - screenwriters. The author of the petition believes that the showrooms of the series showed themselves helpless without primary source, that is, books, and could not write to the series a decent finale. The actors "Games of Thrones" called these requirements by manifestation of disrespect for the work of the filming group.

For the scenario and the formulation of the last episode of the "Games of Thrones" Benioffe and Wisers nominated on the EMMI-2019 television award, which also caused the discontent of the audience.

In the near future, the authors will engage in a new film in the "Star Wars" universe, which will follow the ninth episode "Skywalker. Sunrise". The new film will be released on the screens on December 16, 2022.

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