The creators of the "Strela" series told why the series closes


On October 15, the eighth and final season of the "Strela" series will be released on the CW channel, in which Amell last will appear in the form of Oliver Quina. "I am very emotional and melancholic, but time has come. I have already been 38 years old, and I have received this role in 30. In no project, I could not delay the longest year, and the fact that I was an arrow for almost a decade and I will no longer, scare a little, "the actor admitted a little.

The creators of the

Not all fans are ready to say goodbye to your favorite show and loved heroes, but Showranner accepted a firm decision to complete the series. According to Greg Berlandti and Graga Guggenheim, they realized that it was time for the final chapter in the history of Oliver Quina: "We felt this from the inside. When you have the opportunity to say that something ended, and it did not cut it, it is a great privilege. "

The creators of the

Speaking about the last season, the creators gave to understand that they were responsible to develop the final series and they would not disappoint the audience: "Every time I see Oliver and the monitor [the main villain of the eighth season], I understand how far we are from what started. This means that the show evolved and developed all this time. " "The first episode will be a tribute to the first season, the second - the third," said Amell.

The creators of the

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