George Martin said that the reaction of fans will not change the plot of books from the cycle "Song of Ice and Flame"


The disconnection of the show disappointed many viewers, and due to the fact that the writers advised the author himself, the fans are worried about the finals of the book history. Perhaps not worth it. "Several years ago I told Showranneras about several points, some of which were reflected in the series. But at the same time, everything is different. I have clear ideas in my head against the "Winter winds". Books and serial for me as two alternative universes. My work will write your version than I am busy, "said Martin.

George Martin said that the reaction of fans will not change the plot of books from the cycle

According to him, the desires of fans and their theories will not affect the plot of the remaining books, although Fansites complicate everything: "The Internet changes everything. Take, for example, the origin of John Snow. Previously, only one person from a hundred on hints in the book guessed what to do. And it was normal, because the rest of ninety nine were surprised by the plot turn. But in the age of the Internet, one guess would write about his theory on the network, while others will read and say: "It makes sense." And so, the turn to which you prepared readers disappears. There is a temptation to change everything and come up with something else, but it is wrong. So I do not sit on the fan sites and do not read theories. I am writing a book that I always wanted to write. And she can like or not fans. "

George Martin said that the reaction of fans will not change the plot of books from the cycle

The writer admitted that now, when the series is over, he no longer has the former pressure, and therefore can be calm and thoroughly approach the creation of the remaining parts. "I don't just want to finish the cycle, I want to do it as well as possible. The show ended, the race too. I am writing a book, and she will be ready when it is ready. "

George Martin said that the reaction of fans will not change the plot of books from the cycle

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