Starks, Walkers and Mammoths: George Martin revealed new details about the "Game of Thrones"


In conversation with Entertainment Weekly, the writer for the start said that the "Long Night" is one of the possible options for the name of the show. "I heard a proposal to call the show" The longest night ". I would not mind, it sounds good, "said Martin. He also listed a few facts that one fans will be puzzled, and others may seem insignificant: the series will show the family of storks, white walkers, Lutovolkov, as well as mammoths. But Lannisters, according to the author, did not appear in the era under consideration, so we should not expect references to them.

Starks, Walkers and Mammoths: George Martin revealed new details about the

Starks, Walkers and Mammoths: George Martin revealed new details about the

Starks, Walkers and Mammoths: George Martin revealed new details about the

Previously, it was noted that the new series on the "game of the Thrones" postpone the audience for a thousand years ago, then the time segment increased, so it was not clear what kind of era will unfold the action of the plot. Martin explained that the show would tell about the troubled times when Westeros was not yet a continent with family kingdoms. "We have always spoke about seven kingdoms - precisely as many of them were during the conquests of Eigon Targarien. But if you come back in time, you will see nine, twelve and more kingdoms. In the end, you can get to the era when there were a whole hundred. It is about this epoch that will go, "Martin assured.

Starks, Walkers and Mammoths: George Martin revealed new details about the

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