"On this all": Dmitry Ishakov publicly announced a gap with a Polina Gagarina


Photographer Dmitry Ishakov confirmed that they are no longer living together with the singer Polina Gagarina. Message plunged into the shock of some loyal fans of a star couple who did not believe rumors about the rupture.

Dmitry stated that they were driving with Polina, but remained one family. He did not refuse care of children, including the singer's son from the previous marriage. Ishakov assured that they and his spouse continue to communicate well and do not make problems from their own parting. He asked fans not to bother him or polish questions about family issues.

"We no longer live together. We maintain a normal relationship and continue with love to take care of our children. On this all, "Dmitry said categorically on his page in Instagram.

Subscribers expressed regret that the Family Union of Ishakov and Gagarina collapsed. "I didn't believe that it was not true," "You will be together, I believe, you are the perfect couple," like a pity, you were a model for many, "wrote Folloviers.

Rumors about the gap between Gagarina and Ishakov shocked the fans of the singer and many of her colleagues. The artist and her husband for a long time did not comment on the appearing messages about their parting and guessing about who and what would get after the divorce. There was information that Polina dismissed her husband from the post of head of his company, which was engaged in her concert activities.

Dmitry and Polina got married in 2014. They raise two children: 12-year-old Andrei, born in the artist from the former husband, and the general daughter Miu.

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