Merrey Uzerli took the lead role in the "magnificent century" in Pakhrye Eugengen


The 36-year-old Turkish-German actress Merry Primelli literally pulled the role of Hurrem Sultan in the sensational series "Magnificent Century". It was originally assumed that 33-year-old Fakhria Euczen will play the heroine, writes the "Sadzhitaslan" edition. Uzerli did not suit the conspiracy, they simply repeatedly changed his mind almost at the last moment.

The creators of the paintings did not explain why they accepted such a decision on the casting, but it became fateful for Merya. After the release of the first series, the actress was recognized as the standard of women's beauty, to which not only Turkey girls began to strive, but also residents of other countries. Having fulfilled the role of Hurrem Sultan, the actress was in one row with the famous stars of cinema.

In his recent interview with Primelli admitted that the work on the site for her was quite complicated. Often, her heroine made bold actions, the artist had to put up with the character of his character. Despite this, the star liked to play a characteristic woman, his work fascinated her.

For the first time, Merry Primelli appeared on stage in 5 years, her creative path began in the children's theater. Many believe that the top of her career became the "magnificent century", it is possible that she will still get a one brilliant role.

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