"Every day cries": Fedoseeva-Shukshina wants to divorce Bari Alibasov


Daughter Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina called the divorce of the star pair the best way out of the scandalous situation. Olga Shukshina spoke about the suffering of the famous mother because of the deception of her husband.

According to Olga, the behavior of Bari Alibasov and his assistant was like a "strong and sneaky" shock.

"I become less tolerant to what is happening around our family, surname. Alibasov and the company enjoy fatigue and emotions Mom. When his son screams that Bari wants to divorce, Lydia Nikolaevna does not believe. She crys almost every day and wants to see her husband's eyes, "" Moscow Komsomolets "quotes Olga.

The representative of Actress Yulia Verbickskaya (Linnik) reminded that the older Alibasov had already been prescribed from the hospital and could explain his wife himself. "Enough to hide behind the driver of a mozzar and a lawyer! We call on the answer to Barimovich Barimovich himself, "the lawyer said categorically.

The Star Family Scandal began after the transfer of Bari Alibasov Apartments in the center of Moscow. Vasily Shukshin's widow promised that he would leave the husband's husband, so that after his death handed it to the grandchildren of Shukshina Fome and Fok. Alibasov issued a gift and handed the apartment to the assistant alleged for the sake of tax reducing. Lydia Nikolaevna insists on the invalidity of the transaction, because at the time of signing documents did not know what exactly signs.

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