"Why did you take the apartment from me?": Fedoseeva-Shukshin will not forgive Alibasov


Actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshin intends to bring a trial on the Moscow apartment to the final. 81-year-old artist stated that there would be no concessions for her husband Bari Alibasov, Telegram-channel Mash reports.

Vasily Shukshin widow is determined to return to his property an apartment in the center of the capital, which Alibasov assigned. The artist is outraged by the act of the spouse and does not intend to lead the negotiations with him and give partitions.

"I want him to give an apartment, conversation can not else. How could it happen? But he immediately turns everything. Can you explain why you took the apartment from me? " - Nikolaevna Lydia is indignantly.

Now the controversial residential premises is under arrest so that Bari and his assistant, who are defendants, could not convey the apartment to third parties.

At the request of Fedoseeva-Shukshina lawyers prepared a big lawsuit. They ask the trial to cancel both transactions that led to the change of owner. First, cancel the transfer of the apartment Alibasov, and, secondly, his deal with Sergey Mozhar. Lydia Nikolaevna still hopes that Bary himself became a victim of fraud and acted without malicious intent. But the actress is configured to return the apartment that the grandchildren planned.

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