"I'm scary": Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina about the deception of Bari Alibasova


The 81-year-old Artist Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshin recently received a serious injury, faint in the kitchen. According to the daughter of the actress, the reason for this was the experiences because of the apartment that the mother rewrote to the wife of Bari Alibasov, and then at all on a unfamiliar man ... Fedoseeva-Shukshina published an open letter, shedding the light of truth to the situation.

As the artist told, she really left the will on his 72-year-old spouse, once the founder of the popular group "on", Bari Alibasova. He, in turn, promised that after death would leave an apartment in the center of Moscow to the grandchildren of the actress Fome and Foke.

However, then Alibasov brought his wife to lawyers and asked to sign some other documents, constantly stating. Pulling Lidia Nikolaevna was sure that these are regular consent for any interview or publication. But then I learned the terrible - she signed the paper, according to which her apartment now belongs to the assistant Barimovich Barimovich.

Alibasov himself assures that he did nothing wrong. They say, it was a forced decision, which allowed to reduce tax payments that fell on it.

Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshin is alleged, but tries to believe her husband. "I'm scared," the actress in an open letter admitted. However, immediately corrected, emphasizing that he considers what had happened in some kind of misunderstanding.

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