Test: select a color and we say what part of your brain is active


Our brain is one of the main mysteries that doctors and scientists are trying to understand. Its functions and opportunities are still not fully studied, and we sometimes affect our abilities that are manifested during life. It is said that the brain has two hemispheres that are responsible for various types of behavior and intelligence. And as a result, each person has one side of the brain more developed than the other. That is why one has creative abilities, the other - technical, and someone can surprise the extrasensory gift at all. Do you know which type of intelligence do you have more developed? You can find the answer to this and other questions by passing our test. We have prepared questions that will help you understand what the hemisphere of your brain is dominated. These knowledge will reveal your true talents and intellectual abilities. To do this, carefully look at the proposed pictures. All of them are saturated with various colors. You have to choose the closest to your perception. Just name the most pleasant pictures and evaluate the result.

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