Test: Answer 10 questions and we will call the main trait of your character.


This test is for the most bold. He will show that you hide not only from others, but also from yourself. Agree that there are no such people who did not try to analyze acts and thinking of their acquaintances. But even more interest, and sometimes fear causes the study of its own inner world.

According to psychologists, the main features of our character are still genetically laid, but much in development depends on life experience, environment and availability of complexes. Great influence have habits, preferences and values ​​of our parents, as well as public norms. At the same time, one always remains unchanged - this is our inner rod, which is often also called the main feature of character. It manifests itself in both the most extreme situations and in the usual choice of clothing, food, transport and even pets.

With the help of our test, we suggest you learn the most distinguishing features of your character, its strengths and weaknesses, which you may not even guess. All that will be required of you is to trust your own intuition and sincerely answer questions. Good luck!

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