Test: What do your neighbors think about you?


Good neighbors - by weight of gold, especially today, when most of us for all reasons, most of us are forced to spend as much time as possible at home. Bad neighbors are able to turn the happiest life into a real hell - even the most patient person is not able to maintain a good mood under the root of the perforator and building tools, children's cries and tramp, muffled sounds of a TV or neighbor conflict. What if you are too bad for someone too?

Our test allows you to find out what your neighbors really think about you: Do they consider you a "golden" man or secretly dream of drove to your apartment any less noisy or, for example, more polite? Perhaps you are periodically smoking on the staircase and do not even suspect that, together with you, the inhabitants of several neighboring apartments are forced to "enjoy"? Or, perhaps, for you a "neighbor reputation" spoils the too a noisy pet, on any external stimulus, which is broken by militant lame?

Give honest answers to 10 questions about how in everyday life you behave with your neighbors and at home - and we will tell you whether others really consider you a good neighbor or something in your own behavior you better change.

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