Angelica Varum answered rumors about the treasures of Leonid Agutin: "Do not confuse men with serfs"


In his microblog, Angelica shared personal experience, which can be useful to all family girls. According to Varum, the main thing is not to confuse men with serfs, they get tired of it. She noted that the beloved for a man is, first of all, the one who he writes poems, and impulsive "fluid exchange" is not counting. The singer also stated that on the way at a couple who decided to live to a silver wedding would be much not the most pleasant surprises. Moreover, they can raise not only men, but also women themselves.

Angelica Varum answered rumors about the treasures of Leonid Agutin:

Finally, she warned the representatives of the fine sex from the emptiness of his own soul. According to Varum, it is much worse than the emptiness in the soul of men. It seems, Angelica thus wanted to put the point in a series of rumors about the infidelity of her husband and her alleged suffering. However, instead of dispel the doubts of the fans, the revelations of the singer caused the opposite effect: now everyone knows that Agutin is really loving, but the main thing is that it devotes poems only to his wife, whose soul is filled to the edge.

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