True or joke? Elena Korikov admitted that she was pregnant with the second child


The star of the series "Poor Nastya" added that let the best information be obtained from the first mouth, and not from the yellow press. Surprised follovers in vindicate began to congratulate the actress, but especially attentive remembered that on the calendar on April 1st. And most likely, the pregnancy is cosnif nothing more than a draw. "If this is a joke, it's not funny!", "Wrote one of their deceived subscribers. "Belly, for the future, you need to constantly fix that will be convincing," the other noticed.

True or joke? Elena Korikov admitted that she was pregnant with the second child 119741_1

We add that the actress, which April 12 will be 47 years old, for a long time it does not advertise his personal life. Her two-year relations with the actor Sergey Astakhov ended in 2013, before this Elena was married twice - for the writer Dmitry Lipskere and the operator Maxim Sidesty. It is noteworthy that with Dmitry Roshchin, the father of her only son of Arseny, which appeared in 1993, Corport never entered into a lawful marriage. The failed mother-in-law - the well-known Soviet actress Ekaterina Vasilyeva - was categorically against their student union.

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