Before and after: 55-year-old Lolita showed an impressive transformation after makeup


"I am before shooting the program" Friday with Regina ". Love yourself, "- concisely signed the video artist. Lolita admitted that his transformation "from an adult woman in" Wow "," she is obliged to grimera and the lower suspender of the face, made two years ago. Previously, Milyavskaya said that if it were not for her publicity, she would hardly be under the surgeon's knife. "If I hadn't worked in a frame, I would not do the operation. But I am an artist and should look good, "Lolita said in one of the interviews.

However, the Milyavskaya cares about his figure is not so carefully: many Haters and colleagues on the stage laugh at it due to ridiculous and causing outfits that do not correspond to its physique. Especially viewers remembered a transparent tight jumping overalls, which the singer demonstrated on his imperfect body at the festival in Baku in the summer of 2017.

Recall that the other day Lolita became the Guest of the author's show Regina Todorenko "Friday with Regina". The transfer will come in the near future on the YouTube channel leading.

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