50 CENT earned $ 8 million in two days thanks to Twitter


The 35-year-old Hip-Hop star helped raise the price of shares of the unprofitable company H & H Imports after he published one message on Twitter: "You can double your money right now. Just invest how much you can, he wrote his 3.8 million fans. - It's not a joke! Do it!".

According to New York POST, the rapper message helped to increase the cost of its share share to 8.7 million dollars.

It is also reported that 50 CENT received 30 million shares in H & H Imports back in October and will be able to cash them out as soon as their cost increases.

However, soon Rapper deleted his message and wrote another: "I own shares of H & H Imports. My reflections on this score is just my opinion. Talk to your financial consultant about this. HNHI is a good investment for me. Maybe it will be for you, and maybe not. Think about it".

There is a suggestion that this incident will be interested in the Securities and Exchange Commission and will begin the investigation.

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