Pregnant Stars 2015: What celebrities will make mothers this year?


Prince William and Kate Middleton

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After just a couple of months after the Prince William and Kate celebrated the first birthday of the baby George, it became known that the royal couple expects another child. For the second time, Prince William and Kate Middleton will become parents tentatively in April-May.

Mila Yovovich and Paul Anderson

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Actress and Supermodel Mila Yovovich News about the second pregnancy shared with fans very original way - on Facebook. With his spouse Mila met on the filming "Evil's abode" in 2002. In 2007, the Star Pair was born a daughter, and they got married only two years after that. For the second time, Yovovich and Anderson will become parents tentatively at the end of March - early April.

Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher

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The 31-year-old singer and actress Carrie Anderwood announced pregnancy in September 2014. With his spouse, Hockey player Mike Fisher, Carrie met in 2008, and married in July 2010. Parents star spouses will be this spring.

Ayla Fisher and Sasha Baron Cohen

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In October 2014, star spouses announced that they would expect a third child. 39-year-old Ayla Fisher even abandoned new film projects to concentrate on future adding in the family. The actors got married in March 2010 and are already educated two daughters - 7-year-old Olives and 4-year-old Eluul.

Jude Lowe and Catherine Harding

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This spring, famous British actor Jude Lowe will become the Father for the fifth time: past the fall of 2014, the actors confirmed that his former girl Catherine Harding was pregnant with a girl. And, although the lady with his mother's child is no longer found, he, nevertheless, "infinitely glad to become a father, although the 42-year-old actor is not a novelty - he has two sons (18 and 12 years old) and 13- Summer daughter from marriage with Sadeidi Frost, as well as a 5-year-old daughter Sofia, which the American model Samantha Berk gave birth to the actor.

Kobi Smolders and Taran Killem

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The star of the series "How I met your mother" Kobi Smolders and her spouse, comedy actor Taran Killem, are waiting for the second child. Stars got married in 2012 and in the fall of 2014 celebrated the second anniversary of the wedding. Together they already raise a 5-year-old daughter, and in the spring of 2015 will become parents for the second time.

Jessica Bil and Justin Timberlake

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Star couple very long refused to confirm rumors about the future adding in the family, until in November 2014, she finally found out that 32-year-old Jessica Bill really expect a child. For her and 33-year-old Justin Timberlake, it will be the first child. Star parents will be in March-April 2015.

Keira Knightley and James Raton

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The 29-year-old actress is waiting for the child, it became known in December last 2014. Keira Knightley and her spouse James Raton will become parents in the summer of 2015. In the meantime, the actress is not going to stop working - and, moreover, it does not intend to take a break in a career even after the child's birth. In a recent interview with Nightley, he stated that he was going to return to work already in two or three months after he became a mother.

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