Video: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck can not decide which of them cooler


Ben and Matt call on all those who are not indifferent to sacrifice $ 10 for charitable needs. This money will be divided between the Eastern Congo Initiative and Foundations. Eastern Congo Initiative, which is Affleck, help the residents of the Congo - one of the poorest countries of the world., with the support of Damon, is trying to solve the problem with a lack of water in some countries of the Third World.

In exchange for donation, each participant of a charitable action receives a chance to win a trip to Hollywood for two. Matt and Ben promise that the winner will live in a four-star hotel, will be able to visit the VIP event and personally communicate with the actors.

Alas, Affleck and Damon were not able to agree that they would discuss with the happy owners of the main prize: whether the Oscarone film of Ben "Operation" Argo "", either no less titled work of Matt "Umnitsa Will Hunting". In general, while the promotion has not yet come to an end, the buddies have time to find out which of them is steeper and deserves more attention.

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