"Men for the living hurt": Maria Kozhevnikova aroused the dispute by feminist post


Maria Kozhevnikova posted in his Instagram profile a picture from the network dedicated to the topic of dubious equality of male and female people at a time when they build a career. The picture shows men and women in business suits in the position of a low start on the treadmill. Only space in front of men freely, and in front of women - many obstacles - washing, cooking, ironing, cleaning and other home affairs. It is understood that under equal conditions, in addition to the fulfillment of their professional duties, a society expects to fulfill their home daily work.

"Dear moms who still work, know: you are unique! Every day you say it! " - Podked working women Maria in their microblogging. At Marya, three children, while she successfully built a career and in sports, and in the cinema, and in politics. Before the post, a stormy discussion unfolded, in which both men and women took part.

Men were extremely categorical in their statements: "If a woman wants a career, then let him not create a family. We live alone, earn a lot of money and be happy, "" What is bad that a woman is sitting at home, cooks food, erases, removes, washes the floors and dishes? "," Because the male floor dies faster than women "," so conceived by nature. A woman should raise children, and not work, "" Because it is Russia. "

"How many men immediately appeared in the comments. Eh, for living hurt! " - Women's subscribers laughed. Most of them supported Masha and shared their own experience in the difficult thing to combine homework, raising children and careers.

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