Jennifer Lopez no longer hurries with a wedding with Alex Rodriguez


Like many who were engaged to the coronavirus pandemic, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez were forced to postpone her wedding. Star couple has already transferred a celebration twice.

The couple who wondered in the spring of 2019 initially planned to tie themselves as marriage in Italy in June last year. Because of the pandemic, they abandoned this plan, and Lopez recently admitted to Ellle's magazine that she and the former star MLB are no longer sure when the wedding will be held.

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"We twice put the wedding. We planned what they really wanted to do, but I do not know if we can implement our plan, "the singer told reporters to ELLE edition.

Jennifer Lopez noted that after she and Alex Rodriguez canceled the celebration, they no longer spoke about it.

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"Hurry to no place. We want to do it right when we can, "the star emphasized.

Jennifer Lopez explained to the journalists of ELLE edition, that she and her beloved just want to wait and watch the situation in the world change.

Earlier, 51-year-old Lopez has already said that they are with the 45-year-old bride, Alex Rodriguez, are in no hurry to arrange a wedding. Last month, the star admitted that he takes an example from Goldi Houne and Kurt Russell.

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