"I am proud of you and believe!": Roman Kostomarov showed what kind of sport chose daughter


The figure skater and the Olympic champion Roman Kostomarov published an entry in his Instagram page, which shows what kind of sport chose his daughter Anastasia. In a short video, the famous athlete demonstrates how his ten-year-old daughter plays in tennis: a proud father shoots the match and comments on the training.

"So far, it seems nothing, but I see how you work and try, my doll! I am proud of you and believe! " - writes under the record of Kostomarov.

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Fans of the famous skateman highly appreciated post. In the comments, they praise the athlete for taking the daughter to the sport and present in training with her. In their opinion, Kostomarov is an excellent and caring father. Others wish Anastasia success and big victories. In their opinion, the heiress Kostomarova will still show himself in professional sports and achieve great results, including thanks to the family.

"The success of your girl. She has someone to be talented and successful, "say fans.

Anastasia is the first child of Roman Kostomarov, whom he started in 2011 with the figure skater Oksana Domnin. Lovers got married only in 2014, seven years of living together, and in two years, in 2016, the second child gave birth to Son Ilya.

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