The operator of the series Marvel "Lunar Knight" confirmed that Oscar Aizek will play the title role


Despite the fact that the participation of Oscar Aizek in the Lunar Knights confirmed all the authoritative Western media, the official announcement from the Marvel studio has not yet been. The star was not even mentioned within the large-scale day of investors Disney, but many have believed that this is due to the ongoing negotiations.

Now the parties reached the agreement: Isaac approved for the role. This was announced in his Instagram account "Games of Thrones" and Middleton Gregory Middleton, which will soon work on a mini-series:

"Everything, the secret is revealed. It is a great honor for me to be involved in the presentation of a new character in the filmmoven Marvel. Someone said that the cinematographers are afraid of white costumes! But this is not true, especially if these are complex characters that are playing such wonderful performers like Oscar Isaac. Thanks to the director Mohamud Dai and the filmmoven Marvel for inviting me on board the project. "

For those who followed the questions with clarifications, Middleton was already directly replied that the actor would truly embody the image of the former agent of the CIA of the brand of the spectrum, which received superconductivity and dissociative personality disorder after meeting with the Egyptian God Honus.

All six episodes of the adventure militant will put Mohamed Dab ("confrontation"). The script wrote Jeremy Slater (Ambrell Academy). The shooting start in March on the territory of Budapest, and the premiere of the Lunar Knight will take place in 2022 at the Disney + streaming service.

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